SBI Mutual Fund

SBI Mutual Fund, established in 1987, is one of India's largest and most trusted asset management companies. With an impressive Assets Under Management (AUM) of over ₹10,37,900.38 cr., it ranks among the top 3 mutual fund houses in India. The fund house offers more than 81 schemes across various categories, including equity, debt, hybrid, and solution-oriented funds.

SBI Mutual Fund is a joint venture between the State Bank of India and Amundi (Europe's largest asset manager), with SBI holding a 62.6% stake. The fund house has consistently maintained strong performance ratings from CRISIL and other rating agencies. Their market presence spans 230+ cities through a robust network of branches and distributors, making it one of the most accessible mutual fund companies in India.
Scheme Name
Min. Invest AUM (In Cr)
SBI Gold Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Gold Fund - Direct (G)

FoFs Domestic | Other

36.28% ₹5,000 ₹2,919.72 Invest
SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund - IP - Dir (G)
SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund - IP - Dir (G)

Childrens Fund | Solution Oriented

26.32% ₹5,000 ₹3,124.02 Invest
SBI Healthcare Opportunities Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Healthcare Opportunities Fund - Direct (G)

Sectoral / Thematic | Equity

19.70% ₹5,000 ₹3,521.93 Invest
SBI Technology Opportunities Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Technology Opportunities Fund - Direct (G)

Sectoral / Thematic | Equity

18.86% ₹5,000 ₹4,572.63 Invest
SBI Multicap Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Multicap Fund - Direct (G)

Multi Cap Fund | Equity

17.82% ₹5,000 ₹18,769.04 Invest
SBI Focused Equity Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Focused Equity Fund - Direct (G)

Focused Fund | Equity

16.59% ₹5,000 ₹34,678 Invest
16.12% ₹5,000 ₹6,556.02 Invest
12.94% ₹500 ₹27,305.51 Invest
SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund - Direct (G)

Multi Asset Allocation | Hybrid

12.08% ₹5,000 ₹7,140.71 Invest
SBI Equity Hybrid Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Equity Hybrid Fund - Direct (G)

Aggressive Hybrid Fund | Hybrid

12.07% ₹1,000 ₹71,142.58 Invest
11.41% ₹5,000 ₹2,940.27 Invest
SBI Large & Midcap Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Large & Midcap Fund - Direct (G)

Large & Mid Cap Fund | Equity

11.05% ₹5,000 ₹28,677.29 Invest
SBI BlueChip Fund - Direct (G)
SBI BlueChip Fund - Direct (G)

Large Cap Fund | Equity

11.05% ₹5,000 ₹49,128.07 Invest
SBI Magnum Midcap Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Magnum Midcap Fund - Direct (G)

Mid Cap Fund | Equity

10.83% ₹5,000 ₹21,177.20 Invest
10.68% ₹1,000 ₹5,543.93 Invest
SBI Contra Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Contra Fund - Direct (G)

Contra Fund | Equity

9.82% ₹5,000 ₹41,634.25 Invest
9.24% ₹5,000 ₹2,445.28 Invest
SBI Balanced Advantage Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Balanced Advantage Fund - Direct (G)

Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage | Hybrid

9.13% ₹5,000 ₹33,308.58 Invest
SBI Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Flexi Cap Fund - Direct (G)

Flexi Cap Fund | Equity

9.07% ₹1,000 ₹21,592.65 Invest
SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund - Direct (G)
SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund - Direct (G)

Gilt Fund with 10 year Constant duration | Debt

9.01% ₹5,000 ₹1,799.85 Invest
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SBI Gold Fund - Direct (G)

SBI Gold Fund - Direct (G)

Equity | FoFs Domestic

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹2,919.72 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹3,124.02 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹3,521.93 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹4,572.63 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹18,769.04 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹34,678 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹6,556.02 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹27,305.51 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹7,140.71 Cr

SBI Equity Hybrid Fund - Direct (G)

SBI Equity Hybrid Fund - Direct (G)

Equity | Aggressive Hybrid Fund

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹71,142.58 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹2,940.27 Cr

SBI Large & Midcap Fund - Direct (G)

SBI Large & Midcap Fund - Direct (G)

Equity | Large & Mid Cap Fund

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹28,677.29 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹49,128.07 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹21,177.20 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹5,543.93 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹41,634.25 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹2,445.28 Cr

SBI Balanced Advantage Fund - Direct (G)

SBI Balanced Advantage Fund - Direct (G)

Equity | Dynamic Asset Allocation or Balanced Advantage

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹33,308.58 Cr

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹21,592.65 Cr

SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund - Direct (G)

SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund - Direct (G)

Equity | Gilt Fund with 10 year Constant duration

1Y returns


Min. Invest



₹1,799.85 Cr

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About SBI Mutual Fund

SBI Mutual Fund has emerged as a dominant force in India's mutual fund landscape with its remarkable performance and strategic excellence. The fund house has achieved an impressive milestone by crossing ₹10,37,900.38 cr. in Assets Under Management, demonstrating its robust market position. Their investor base has expanded to over 2.61 crore folios, making it one of the most trusted fund houses in the country.

The company has maintained a consistent year-on-year AUM growth rate of approximately 20-25%, showcasing its strong market momentum. Multiple equity schemes from SBI Mutual Fund have consistently outperformed their respective benchmarks, establishing their investment expertise.

The fund house's debt fund management has been equally impressive, maintaining superior credit quality and delivering stable returns. Their flagship funds have demonstrated exceptional performance by delivering above-average returns over both 5 and 10-year periods, reflecting their long-term investment capability. 

The fund house boasts an experienced team of fund managers who average over many years of industry experience, bringing deep market insights to their investment decisions. Their strong research team covers various sectors and companies extensively, providing thorough market analysis for informed investment decisions. The management ensures regular training and skill enhancement programs for fund managers to stay updated with market trends and investment strategies.

SBI Mutual Fund has been a pioneer in innovation, regularly introducing new fund solutions to meet evolving investor needs. They were among the first to launch index funds and ETFs in India, showing their commitment to product innovation. The fund house has also demonstrated forward-thinking by focusing on ESG and sustainable investing options, aligning with global investment trends. Their technology integration has been remarkable, with advanced digital platforms providing a seamless investor experience. The fund house regularly updates and improves its mobile apps and online portals to enhance user experience and accessibility. They maintain strong cybersecurity measures to protect investor interests and ensure safe digital transactions.

The fund house has established a robust distribution network across India, making its products accessible to investors in both urban and rural areas. Their investor education initiatives have helped improve financial literacy and informed decision-making among investors. The fund house maintains transparent communication with investors through regular portfolio disclosures and performance updates. Their strong parentage, being backed by the State Bank of India and Amundi, adds to their credibility and stability.

The fund house has received numerous awards and recognition from industry bodies for their fund performance and service excellence. Their commitment to corporate governance and ethical practices has earned them high trust among investors and industry stakeholders. The fund house continues to evolve and adapt to changing market conditions while maintaining its core investment philosophy and values.

How to Invest in SBI Mutual Fund?  

SBI Mutual Fund offers a compelling investment proposition due to its strong parentage and proven track record. The fund house's extensive experience in managing diverse portfolios makes it a reliable choice for investors seeking both wealth creation and preservation.

Their wide range of schemes caters to various investment objectives and risk appetites, while their professional management ensures optimal portfolio allocation. The fund house's commitment to transparency and investor education further strengthens its position as a trustworthy investment partner.

Here are the steps you need to take to begin your investment process.

Step 1: Login or Register
Visit the Torus Digital platform or the SBI MF website to register. Complete basic information and create login credentials.

Step 2: Validate Identity Proof
Upload documents through Digilocker for seamless verification. No physical documentation is required for faster processing.

Step 3: Level of risk
Complete the risk profiling questionnaire to determine your risk tolerance level: conservative, moderate, or aggressive.

Step 4: Choose a mutual fund scheme
Select from various schemes based on your investment objective and risk assessment results.

Step 5: One Time (Lumpsum) or SIP
Choose between a one-time lumpsum investment or systematic investment plan (SIP) as per your convenience.

Step 6: SIP Placement
You can start SIP immediately or select a preferred date. Same-day SIP activation is available.

Your Torus account will reflect the SBI Mutual Fund in India you have invested in within 3 to 4 working days.

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